“In 2015, the DSEF German Gem Lab and the German Gemmological Association acquired the GemmoSphere, the GemmoFTIR and the GemmoRaman, later also the EXA. We use the devices as addition to our research spectrometers in everyday work, as well as for off-side services and at trade fairs. Furthermore, we use the MAGI devices for demonstration purposes in our gemmological education, especially for our scientific classes. The devices can be used quickly and without special preparation and convince due to the fast measurement time. As the slogan “made by gemologists for gemologists” aptly describes, the software of all devices is particularly user-friendly thanks to automatic components, whereby valuable information is never lost, but can be worked out manually by experienced users at any time. For us, the portable decives from MAGILABS have proven to be an excellent addition to our stationary laboratory equipment and impress especially with the possibilities of mobile use.”
DSEF – Deutsche Stiftung Edelsteinforschung