MAGILABS software Chromium PL reaction in natural spinelChromium PL reaction in natural spinelSoftware warns about overexposure (saturation of spectrometer CCD pixels) already during the measurement. If overexposured range is inside the area of interest user can cancel the acquistion and start again with shorter exposure time.Software warns automatically about overexposure (saturation) of signal with red color. Red colored data must be discarded or sample must be measured again with shorter exposure time. Multi-spectra tool allows to compare up to 50 spectra simultaneously. In this case user has determined the jadeite sample under study (yellow line) is filled with epoxy resin.diamondsjadesapphire meta magma red redpinksturquoiseTourmalineamethystalexjade impregnationEmeralds nat and synthGemmoRaman file format is open .txt file. All the measurement conditions are saved automatically with the data. User can optionally save important metadata about the sample.AutoScan process can be customized by selecting post-processing rules for the measured data. Search rules after AutoScan can be customized by user.GemmorRaman532Main window with spectrometer connected.Easy laser calibration ensures best match against Raman & PL libraries. Step 1/5: Select measurement type. Unique AutoScan feature allows fully automatic measurement for Raman or PL range. Step 2/5: PreScan finds best exposure time and averaging for the sample.Step 3/5: DarkScan aquires spectometers response to total darkness. This data will be later subtracted from actual measurement data.Step 4/5: FullScan measures the sample multiple times averaging the results for enhanced signal to noise ratio.Step 5/5: Trimming the zone of interest, calculating unit response correction, performing the background correction (for Raman type measurement) and searching for best match from libraries.AutoScan is complete. Library items has been sorted according to match percentage (%M). Best match has been rendered to the graph (white line) allowing visual inspection. Photoluminescence spectrum of orange cubic zirconia. User has activated cursor for checking location of the peak. Cursor can be free floating type or snappable to nearest plot. One of the most powerful tools of the software is resolution enhancement feature. This mathematical algorithm finds hidden and merged peaks allowing spectral search against data created with 2-3 times higher resolution spectrometers.